Sponsorship and donation policy
Building a better quality of life sometimes also means contributing to social initiatives or activities. VolkerWessels supports both external activities and initiatives proposed by our own employees. It goes without saying that we have a policy on the basis of which applications are assessed.
Our companies are themselves (decentralised) free to award sponsor contributions. They can be contacted directly about this. VolkerWessels also sponsors a number of activities centrally.
VolkerWessels believes it is important to make an active contribution to society and (financially) support social initiatives. Requests for donations are handled centrally via our corporate office. In principle, the following principles apply:
- The social initiative is an extension of our business activities;
- The social initiative is in line with and/or reinforces our ambitions;
- The social initiative is in line with the way in which VolkerWessels is building a better quality of life.
Applications for donations can be submitted via the button below.
Employee initiatives
Employees who volunteer for a good cause that clearly contributes to society are eligible for a financial contribution of up to € 250. VolkerWessels sets the following conditions for such contributions:
- the employee must be in active employment (temps, seconded staff, retired staff and freelancers are not eligible);
- the employee may apply only once a year;
- once approved, the actual financial contribution will be transferred directly to the respective organisation by VolkerWessels.
Employee initiative requests can be submitted via the application form.