VolkerWessels wins Forest50 award for use of sustainably sourced timber
VolkerWessels has been named this year's winner of the Forest50. This prestigious list ranks the largest 50 construction companies in the Netherlands on the degree of use of sustainable wood and communication about the importance of responsible forest management. Slokker Bouwgroep and BAM complete the top three. The ranking has been published by FSC Netherlands since 2015.

Own wood construction concept
According to FSC Netherlands, the construction companies in the top of the Forest50 ranking hardly differ from each other when it comes to the use of certified wood in construction projects. This is the standard for these companies. According to FSC, VolkerWessels makes the difference mainly by working with its own wood construction concepts and also by using lesser-known tropical timber species in projects. The latter is important to stimulate sustainable management of tropical forests.
Wyke Smit, director of FSC Netherlands: "VolkerWessels is a company that has been at the top of the ranking for years, and every year manages to take a new step in the use of sustainable wood in the construction process. A true leader and inspiring example for other companies in the construction sector. I would also like to congratulate the other builders in the top 10 of the Forest50. Without exception, these are companies that buy more than 90% certified wood, and also make this measurable."
'Making a real impact'
Jan de Ruiter, Chairman of the Board of VolkerWessels: "We are delighted and proud to be leading the Forest50 this year. It is a crowning achievement for the policy that we have pursued in recent years and a compliment for all the pioneers within our company who have contributed to this. Building with wood from sustainably managed forests helps us achieve our goal of zero-emission and circular construction. As one of the largest developers and builders in the country, we can make a real impact by using sustainably sourced timber. So we will definitely continue on the path we have taken."
Forest50 criteria
In the Forest50 ranking, construction companies can earn a total of 135 points. Important criteria are the total percentage of certified wood applied, the extent to which wooden window frames are applied, the application of own wood construction concepts and the communication about the importance of sustainable wood.

The top 10 highest ranked construction companies
- VolkerWessels (127 points)
- Slokker Bouwgroep (122)
- BAM (119)
- Heijmans (116)
- Bouwgroep Dijkstra Draaisma (107)
- Van Wijnen Group (99)
- Vorm Holding (94)
- TBI Holdings (88)
- De Vries en Verburg (68)
- Nijhuis Bouw (64)
Climate benefits and circularity
The use of sustainable timber is one of the most effective ways for the construction sector to tackle the climate problem. While the production of most building materials is energy-intensive and associated with high CO2 emissions, sustainably managed forests capture CO2. What's more, as a renewable raw material, wood is the circular building material par excellence. In cooperation with a group of frontrunners in the construction industry, including the companies mentioned, FSC Netherlands tries to promote these qualities of wood use in construction and to stimulate innovations.