Smart, safe and sustainable on the road!
Vialis and HANOS ensure improved flow of freight traffic in Apeldoorn HANOS is the first user of ReQuest. An application that, by focusing on the driver, enables the logistics service provider and the government to achieve their safety and sustainability objectives, by regulating traffic flow and availability.

Apeldoorn takes the lead for a safe and livable city
During the GoLive at HANOS headquarters, Wim Willems, alderman for mobility of the municipality of Apeldoorn and chairman of the Smart Cities theme group of theCity network G40, indicated that he wants to play an important role around this topic. "As local government, we like to take the lead in keeping our city livable. First and foremost for people who live nearby, but also for other road users. Joining forces, as we did in this case, helps us to achieve joint mobility goals. "The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management is also proud. "It's great to see the progress that has been made here," says Caspar de Jonge, Senior Executive Intelligent Transport Systems, Smart Mobility and Smart Cities.
Better traffic flow through smart traffic lights
The ReQuest solution works together with intelligent traffic control systems (iVRIs). If the situation permits, trucks and logistics service providers get an earlier green light at a traffic light with ReQuest. To get an earlier green light at intersections, the driver enters his destination through the ReQuest app, via a cell phone. From that moment, the app can communicate with the intelligent traffic control systems (iVRIs) in the area. The driver can thus drive on safely, without stopping or braking. By investing in ReQuest, carriers contribute to a better environment. "Our participation in Vialis' ReQuest service fits seamlessly into our efforts to increase traffic safety and reduce our emissions," says Reinder Zuidhof, director of logistics at HANOS.
"As Vialis, we develop innovative solutions with partners to enable road users, including transporters and logistics service providers, to travel safely, quickly and in a sustainable way," says Robbert Wittmaekers, managing director of Vialis. "With thanks to our partners for this GoLive, the municipality of Apeldoorn, HANOS, Crossyn and the support of the Ministry of IenW, road safety will be improved in a smart and sustainable way."
In the photo from left to right: Erik Kamps (Crossyn), Theo de Graaf (HANOS), Willem Hartman (Vialis), Wim Willems (Municipality of Apeldoorn), Caspar de Jonge (Ministry of IenW), Robbert Wittmaekers (Vialis) and Reinder Zuidhof (HANOS)