Combination De Kroon signs for Renovation Binnenhof
Last Monday, Koninklijke Woudenberg, HOMIJ Technische Installaties and IBB Kondor signed the cooperation agreement with the Rijksvastgoedbedrijf for one of the parcels in the Binnenhof. Under the name Combinatie De Kroon, these parties will be dealing with the so-called Complex Part 3. This part includes the renovation of the Ministry of General Affairs and the realisation of the central energy supply.

Marc Unger, Binnenhof renovation project director: "The three companies, united in Combinatie De Kroon, have a good and long track record for the renovation of monumental buildings. We are therefore very pleased that we have been able to conclude this agreement with them, which lays the foundations for a long-term cooperative relationship. We are proud of the fact that, despite the measures taken around corona, we were able to reach this important milestone. In this way, we are taking another step forward with the project".
Remko Overdam, on behalf of Combinatie De Kroon: "We are honoured and very proud to be part of this special task! Following on from all the dialogue sessions, we are confident that we will make a fine contribution to the heart of government in the Netherlands".

Photo (left to right): Gerard Bac (director IBB Kondor), Marc Unger (project director renovation Binnenhof), Umberto de Groot (director HOMIJ Technische Installaties) and Aafke van der Werf (director Koninklijke Woudenberg).