‘Making something out of nothing is what gives me energy!’
Finding solutions! That is what really drives Ruben Rothuizen (32). As an engineer he wants to contribute to the development of new techniques. And Ruben’s innovations make the world more sustainable at the same time. The water specialist at Visser & Smit Hanab took the time to answer five questions.

What do you do at V&SH?
“I’m focused on techniques to extract water from the groundwater supply. At the moment we are able to drill horizontally at 700 meters deep, combining water extraction with low geothermal energy extraction. This is unique in Europe! This technique is for example interesting for an aubergine grower in the Dutch city of Zevenbergen where we’ve launched an initial project. The grower is using the 30-degree water to heat up some of his greenhouses. The geothermal heat is also used to replace fossil fuels. That makes it extremely sustainable!”
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
“The first HDDW projects! The Horizontal Directional Drilled Wells technique is the technique that serves as the basis for water extraction by means of horizontal drilling. I helped develop this technique, from the initial idea to the successful pilot. And we are now using HDDW for various projects and clients. It’s quite special being able to create something tangible that provides real added value to both the client and the company.”
What drives you?
“Being involved in the development of new techniques interests me. Making something out of nothing is what gives me energy! I am a real techie who loves nothing more than finding solutions to problems. At the same time I’m fond of water. The immensity of it and its natural power which we are getting better and better at controlling and using. I find it all fascinating.”
What is your ambition?
“Recently I have also been a project leader on a couple of occasions. In the coming years I would like to develop my skills managing teams in the execution of projects. That means being more in the field and maintaining contact with the client, translating the client’s wishes into a solution.”
Is there room for you to continue to grow?
“Definitely! Here you have the opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas about innovation. And at VolkerWessels there is also a great deal of attention for personal development through the organisation’s internal training programme and by sharing knowledge and expertise with one another.”